Tuesday, April 28, 2009

BAH ! Spectre of Specter

Arlen Specter started out as a Democrat.  Switched to Republican.  Now has decided to become a Democrat again.  Seems he saw the poll numbers for the Republican primary in his home state of Pennsylvania and decided his prospects were "bleak". His GOP prospects dimmed considerably after he and two other moderate republicans broke rank and voted for the Obama stimulus package.  

He also noted that 200,000 PA. republicans switched parties in the last presidential election.  The Limbaugh reaction boils down to "good riddance" as does that of the combative putative head of the RNC Michael Steele.  

Now that we have absorbed all this political ruckus maybe we can get back to the business of whipping Swine flu, reviving the economy, wiping out Al Queda, ending the Iraq War, reforming health care, energy and the economy.  You know, insignificant stuff like that.

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