Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blacks Against Hypocrisy --Internet Time bomb

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You have probably noticed the design changes undertaken by Blacks Against Hypocrisy.  We have also made changes in our editorial focus.  We now are taking a serious look at the most critical issue facing the economic future of African-Americans ... that is the Time Bomb known as the Internet.   --Blacks Against Hypocrisy editorial staff. 

We notice there is a conference titled "Black Folks Guide to Making Big Money on the Internet Online Conference 2009".  It takes place in August 28th 2009 ... and they are charging $375 to attend.  WHERE is anybodies guess.  Maybe the folks who set it up assume everything takes place in New York City ... who knows the logic.  But we can't find the location anywhere.  If you know where this is taking place please let us all know. 

We found the conference on something called  Some kind of press release service.  We at Blacks Against Hypocrisy have more than a passing interest in press release services.  The flaws are often so obvious one contributor decided to create his own site highlighted by an easy-to use-template specially targeted for Black groups.  

Perhaps someone out there in cyberspace will let us know if this conference is worth the ink.  Perhaps it means that Blacks are sensitive to Hypocrisy in New Media.  That the Internet Time bomb we describe below is not going un-noticed.  


Hidden beneath today's disturbing economic news is the hidden hypocrisy time bomb known as the Internet. Blacks know it has created a culture of products and services FOR FREE !   

Newsrooms on buyout status know full well how sites like Craigslist have killed ad revenue for a dying breed of journalism.  The travel industry lost franchises when scheduling a flight went online.  Any car dealers left should be against the internet trend because they will have to deal with websites that put them on bypass.  

Blacks Against Hypocrisy believes the brunt of this digital dislocation will fall on the backs of minorities.  BAH ! suspects education and brute sweat won't be the gold standard when any kid with a computer and a garage can create and destroy whole  industries. You can even get your masters online bypassing brick and mortar universities.  

Somehow in the rush to fix the banks, and automakers ... there needs to be regulatory reform aimed at taming the Wild Wild West known as the Internet.  Blacks aren't against the Internet ... many are simply not allowed to be part of it.     

Can we get a witness ?


Thursday, June 4, 2009

BAH ! African Am. Prez n Africa Why ?

(Read post and click on comment to respond) reports the U.S. has to defend President Barack Obama's major policy speech to the Muslim world because it takes place in an authoritarian country Egypt. Why not ... say critics ... why not make the speech in a democratic country like Indonesia?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

BAH ! NCR Blacks move from Ohio to Georgia

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NCR makes a lot of money ... 5.2 billion dollars. It wants to move its headquarters from Ohio to Georgia ... taking its strong Diversity Tradition away from a state struggling in a down economy.   More than 2000 jobs will move away from Dayton to Duluth.   Already companies in dying Ohio cities that do business with NCR are putting holds on that account.  The Governor of Ohio is throwing 31 million dollars NCR's way to try to keep them in the Buckeye but it is clearly too little and too late.  The Governor of Georgia is already putting out the welcome mat.

NCR started out as the National Cash Register Company and expanded into ATMS and other automated business products.  They  say they have a strong committment to diversity ... look at the resume of their second-in-command:

Quincy L. Allen
Quincy L. Allen was appointed CEO of Vertis Communications in 2009 and is responsible for the strategic direction of the company. Prior to Vertis, Quincy was with Xerox Corporation for 27 years. Most recently, he was president of the Global Business and Strategic Marketing Group, as well as vice president of Xerox Corporation. He rose through the ranks of Xerox beginning as an electrical engineer, then serving in senior technical and management positions in areas such as supply chain, sales and marketing, and product development. Other key positions include vice president, Worldwide Customer Services Strategy; senior vice president, North American Services and Solutions; senior vice president, Xerox Business Group Operations; and president of the Production Systems Group. Quincy earned a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Northeastern University and a master's degree in business administration from the University of Rochester.
He also is a board member of the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. and the Electronic Document Systems Foundation.

It is clear that recent reprehensible economic policies have placed a major hardship on manufacturing states like Ohio.  Maybe it jumping from the frying pan into the fryer ... Georgia has an above average unemployment rate.  This will help that southern state ... but decimate Southern Ohio. By the way, Forbes placed Cleveland, Akron, Youngstown and Dayton on its list of Dying Cities.

Monday, June 1, 2009

BAH ! General Motors

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We stayed at the massive GM complex while attending the Detroit Jazz Festival.
The glittery silos had the look of "Forever" ... you know ... like it was too powerful to ever fail.

Today we know they are entering into bankruptcy. My best friend Morris, who worked on the assembly line, will lose his job. It was a career he once thought would live on "forever".

But just like Jazz, like careers, like car companies ... nothing lives forever ... not even the arrogance of once-powerful employers.