Thursday, August 6, 2009

Black Baby Boomer Canary in the Coal Mine

I guess we are always on the cutting edge. The first to get cut in an economic downturn. The first to the bottom of the curve. And now apparently the first forced to start our own businesses.

Blogger Black Primetime reports a story by Hana Cho in the Baltimore Sun that the entrepreneurial spirit resides not in the 20 to 34 year olds. But in the 55 to 64 years olds. And that African Americans are particularly active.

Even though I can't even spell the word apparently I have the spirit. I already know I was in that group that raced into the recession way ahead of the pack ...wallowed for five years in the Great recession under the "B" administration ... And dabbled with the Depression of 14 to 25 % Black Unemployment.

But now can I possibly be back on the Fast Track?

The newspaper article is based on my hometown research foundation, the Ewing Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City, just down the road from where I picked up my diploma. These folks help displaced workers create their own businesses.

They have a program called That I'm gonna check out today now that I know it exists.

When I was sloughed off my jobs and began to notice that even-more -competent Black friends my age were losing theirs I finally took the blinders off.

I will have to create my own employment or not be employed at at all.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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