Friday, November 27, 2009

BAH! Pardon the Turkey

"Without forgiveness, there's no future." ~Desmond Tutu

My name is Courage, and I've just received an official pardon from President Obama. Sure, I should feel good about that, but there are some nagging questions still plaguing me.
I don't mean to sound like everyone else who has ever received a Presidential Pardon, but I am innocent, so why do I need a pardon? What did I ever do that put me in such a position? Is it because I am a white turkey? Is it because I am a female? I can't quite put my talon on it.
Now I get to fly (on an airplane, first class no less) to spend the rest of my days in Disneyland. Did I just hit the winning home run in the World Series or make the final three-point shot to win the NBA championship? I don't remember being given a Disney contract to sign ahead of time.
Was I ever convicted of a crime that I have to be given a pardon from the President? It's bad enough that people like Scooter Libby are called turkeys, for reasons I'll never understand. It gives all turkeys a bad name, you know? And we all know that President Bush's commutation of Libby's prison sentence was not politically motivated. It was an act of justice and mercy. Yeah, right.
Now back to me. I like this Obama fella, even if he did say, "I was planning on eating this sucker", if Sasha and Malia hadn't intervened to save me. But it scares me to think of who will be the first person he actually pardons? From all the clucking going on in the hen house, it could well be someone who served in the White House as an advisor and went back to one of the Wall Street firms that benefitted from the bailout, and who then got himself a nice bonus, courtesy of the American taxpayer. And this Obama said he wasn't going to populate the Executive Branch with the same old insiders, as President Bush did?
It's time for the President to start talking turkey with the American people, and leave me the hell out of it. After all, "I'm going to Disneyland."

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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