Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama Bashing by Mrs. Tee

Have you noticed that many times when President Barack Obama is mentioned on TV, RADIO, Web, etc,....that people will not say President Obama, Mr. President, or President Barack........and the same thing happens with First Lady Michelle Obama.

It's distasteful, disgusting, and very disrespectful. They are the most powerful couple in the world and they deserve the respect, the titles, the accolades, and everything else that comes with the position. Not only did they do the work to get there, they get it! They understand and they are just getting started! The Change Continues.


1 comment:

Mrs. Tee said...


Rev. Al Sharpton was discussing a similar issue with his co-host and I believe an attorney, they had call in as a guest, on his radio program. I think it was on Thursday April 9, 2009. They mentioned: 1. An OBAMA FRIED CHICKEN now being sold in New York. 2. A CHEE-A-PET was sold with the face of President Obama and the plant growing out of its head that looked like an Afro......but complaints came in and it was removed from the shelves. And there was 3. The OBAMA CONDOMS; the co-host mentioned she saw while shopping! She was very turned off by them. What do you think about these three items??? Share this with everyone so we can see what they think as well!......My general take from the discussion was that in most cases, most of the items being sold have the intent to promote the President in a positive way and that for the first time many Black entrepreneurs are able to profit in way that they have never been able to profit before. They also mentioned Martin Luther King Jr. We know the following he had and the height he was able to rise too, but most of the items we were not able to profit from.......As far as the negative sells!.... There is always someone willing to take a negative approach and stretch it as far as the can. DISRESPECT will change when we start complaining, when people or products don't give President Obama or First Lady Michele Obama the respect they are due, we need to turn off the TV, radio, etc. and send out emails in massive proportions, and tie up the pone lines all over this country! Change takes Action!..and Action doesn't happen without You!... So Let's Pay Attention! Send this to Everyone! Let's get the Feedback! and Let's get Started Now!

Mrs. Tee