Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama Healthcare

I am visiting an influential baptist church. It is a church with political and civic leaders. Janotors and parking attendants. Despite advanced degrees the bulletin is full of advice for finding a job.

At one point in the service the pastor mentioned that one of its deacons would be leaving after the service to go to a hospital. Going to a hospital to visit his 27 year old son. His young man of a son who has learned he has a year to live with a rare incurable kidney cancer.

The church congregation embraced the stoic deacon. All were moved to tears.
Another deacon beseeched the God they love to provide some sort of solace. And with that they prayed for all those in the nations capitol who are battling over healthcare. For this group healthcare is not a political game.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

AS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY EATS ITSELF: A Commentary by Former Missouri State Representative Lloyd Daniel

(click new post at top of blog to respond)

The motion of history waits for no one. As time moves on, what will become of the ultra-right wing members and supporters of the Republican Party, who are now being dragged, kicking and screaming, into the rest of this century?

Many of them will whine and mourn the loss of unearned, and therefore unfair advantage, as did most Southern Democrats, (they called them Dixiecrats) and other backward folks lament the end
of slavery, the smashing of the Confederacy, the death of Ol’ Jeff Davis, Reconstruction, women winning the right to vote, the gains made by the modern civil rights and labor movements and the numerous successful international movements for independence and national liberation, etc.

But eventually, most of them, after a period of stiff resistance,
will ride the multi-hued, multi-polar train of world realignment into a more democratic future. As their numbers dwindle, nearing the end of empire, they will find themselves faced with the choice of either riding on that train, as fellow travelers, with no special privileges or packed into a tiny RICH WHITE MEN ONLY caboose,
tended to by a handful of battered Nazi porters humming Wagner, as they cross over the River Jordan; angry, bitter, sentimental and unreconstructed.

Editor’s Note: Rep. Lloyd Daniel is a writer, advocate and a former Missouri State legislator. His website address is

Come back next week for more writings by Lloyd Daniel